Are there any good resources to help me with my chemistry homework?


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm currently studying chemistry and finding some of the concepts challenging to grasp. I'm looking for reliable resources that can help me better understand the material and assist with my homework.

Are there any websites, videos, or books that you recommend for breaking down complex topics in an easy-to-understand way? I’d appreciate resources that include practice problems or interactive elements, as I find those particularly helpful for learning.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
I recommend the STEMFixer site. It’s excellent for helping with chemistry and other subjects.

Here’s why STEMFixer is great:
  • Available 24/7: Tutors are usually available any time of day.
  • Flexible Payments: You can negotiate the payment amount with your tutor; it's not fixed.
  • Flexible Plans: You don’t have to pay all at once. You can set up a payment plan with your tutor.
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First, check if your school has a tutoring program. If they do, sign up for it. If not, ask your professor if they can help you privately or if they know a current or former student who can tutor you for a reasonable fee.

If those options don't work, try searching YouTube for videos that explain the concepts you're struggling with in class.
I recommend using Khan Academy! They have great videos with examples of different reactions, showing how electrons move and why they behave in certain ways based on the reagents or environment. Khan Academy also organizes organic chemistry by sections and offers short quizzes at the end to check your understanding.

Another good resource is Quizlet. You can find flashcards and practice problems created by other students. Learning from fellow students can be helpful since they might explain things in a way that's easier to understand than your TA or professor.

Also, practicing problems regularly is crucial for success in organic chemistry, especially focusing on resonance and mechanisms. Many organic chemistry concepts rely on understanding resonance and molecule stability. If you get a strong grasp of resonance, you'll do well in your course. Good luck with your studies! Not everyone gets it right away, but practice will help you improve.
You can easily find online chemistry homework help in today's digital age. From learning the periodic table to balancing equations, numerous platforms and websites assist students at all college levels.

Many online tutoring services offer one-on-one sessions with experienced instructors who can explain concepts, solve problems, and provide personalized guidance. Additionally, forums and groups are available where you can ask questions and receive answers from knowledgeable individuals.

These are some of my top favorites:
Just make sure to verify the credibility of your sources and ensure any help you receive aligns with your learning goals and academic integrity standards.