Is it worth pursuing a career in digital marketing?


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Hi everyone,

I'm a final-year business student in UK, specializing in Marketing. I'm thinking about pursuing a Master's in Digital Marketing. Here are my thoughts:
  • The program is relatively inexpensive at €6k, and I can commute from home.
  • It includes a hands-on industry placement where I can apply my skills.
  • I can earn several certifications through the program, although I know you can get them without the degree.
  • Most importantly, I believe the structured program will help me develop a complete skill set.
But is digital marketing worth it?
  • The pay here is low, with many jobs being entry-level or requiring 3+ years of experience but not paying well.
  • There’s concern about outsourcing and competition, which could drive down salaries and job opportunities.
  • Many people seem to think selling digital marketing courses is easier or more profitable than actual digital marketing, which increases competition.
My goal is to start my own business, so the low salary isn't a big issue for me. However, these other points are making me hesitant. What do you think?

Is digital marketing worth pursuing as a career?
Yes, you should continue with digital marketing. I have a certificate in it myself. Digital marketing covers a lot of ground, so you need to stay focused and practical to make it work.

Knowing the theory is one thing; applying the strategies to build your own business and make money is another. Once you master digital marketing, you'll have many opportunities in marketing and sales. If I wanted to start earning online quickly, I would go with affiliate marketing.