Using AI generators to write my discussion board post


New member
I'm exploring the possibility of using AI tools, like ChatGPT, to help with writing discussion board posts and replies. I'm curious about your thoughts.

Have you used AI to draft or improve your posts? If so, how was your experience?
Using AI for academic discussions might be tempting, but these discussions are meant to build our critical thinking and communication skills. Let's use our own minds to contribute to the conversation and avoid potential issues.
I use ChatGPT for discussions, but only to enhance my posts. I’ve noticed some classmates copy and paste directly, and sometimes their responses look quite strange.

When I need to impress my professor - especially if the subject doesn’t interest me, I lack inspiration, or I simply don’t have enough time - I might buy a discussion board post from experts.

SpeedyPaper, an academic writing service, can provide a discussion board post written according to your instructions.

They've helped me more than once.
If I were a professor, I’d discuss the topic with students directly. As long as you demonstrate a good understanding of the topic, it doesn’t matter what tools you use.

However, if you submit a well-written post but can’t explain your points, it will look really bad.
I think these kinds of assignments were one of the main reasons AI, like ChatGPT, was developed in the first place - to automate repetitive tasks and serve as a general assistant for things like writing literature reviews, essays, and programming.

What was the point of creating this if we’re not using it for its intended purpose?!
Discussion posts are mostly pointless because people just repeat what they think the professor wants to hear. There’s no real critical thinking involved. Since they’re graded, students don’t have much choice but to participate.

I don’t use AI because it seems risky, but I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on any meaningful learning or critical insights from others using it in these posts.