25 Killer Resources to Learn Storytelling

You know what the best thing about brand storytelling is?
It’s without a doubt, the one kind of content marketing that’s never going out of style. Research indicates that Facebook may soon lose its hold as the world’s most-popular social media network. The meteoric rise of trends like Snapchat indicates that the only constant is changing consumer behavior.
That being said, a well-told tale is almost as old as time. Humans have an inherent love for the narrative, and a compelling story will probably always have the ability to win hearts, trust, and customers. To help you get started, here are some of my favorite resources online:
For best practices, check out 15 Storytelling Techniques for Writing a Better Brand Story.
1. Nancy Duarte
Duarte is a graphic designer-turned-agency owner, who’s quickly become the leading expert on visual brand storytelling. Her blog is an often-updated resource that includes pop-culture inspiration, creative process analysis, and plenty of insight on how to improve your skills.
2. Andrew Fitzgerald: Adventures in Twitter Fiction
What can Twitter users learn from journalists? How can you set a scene in 140 characters or less (or in other short, digital formats)? This highly-popular Ted talk is quickly approaching a million views, and it’s no secret why!
3. StoryCenter Blog
The Center for Digital Storytelling has been a non-profit dedicated to the cause of discovering exactly what makes a great story in digital format for over 20 years. Their blog includes musings, interviews, and analysis.
4. Brand Storytelling Lessons from the Content 2020 Project
Coca Cola’s latest YouTube venture, the Content 2020 project has gotten a lot of attention. It’s something between a narrative and a manifesto, and CMI has the interview with the genius behind the project, Jonathan Mildenhall.
5. 7 Basic Types of Stories
What is your brand telling, and how does it fit into trans-cultural concepts of archetypes? This AdWeek article is among the best on the subject.
6. Duarte: Slidedocs
Worried about dipping your toes into visual storytelling? Duarte’s free resources include a beautifully-designed guide to presentations, as well as free templates to help you fake a serious design skill set.
7. Seven Myths About Transmedia Storytelling Debunked
Transmedia storytelling probably isn’t what you think it is. Communications Professor Henry Jenkins really breaks down the “next big thing” in this awesome Fast.co article.
8. Andrew Stanton: The Clues to a Great Story
Filmmaker Stanton knows a thing or two about crafting an effective tale, as you can tell from the wild success of his Pixar films Wall-E and Toy Story.
9. Find the Heart of Your Brand Storytelling with These 6 Questions
Sprout Social Co-Founder Debbie William’s questionnaire includes some of the best deep questions on how to define your company’s unique narrative.
10. Get Storied Manifesto
One of the most popular free eBooks on brand storytelling online, thousands have downloaded and read Ted Speaker Michael Margolis’ seminal work.
11. How to Tell Your Brand’s Story through Photos
Ever feel jealous of companies with perfectly-curated visual content? Here’s how to ensure your images are consistent with your mission!
12. 2 Key Resources for Crafting and Telling Your Story
For the very busy, this blog contains a comprehensive recap of two of the best brand storytelling books on the market, including Patrick Hanlon’s Primal Branding. Could you benefit from more “rituals,” or “icons”?
13. Omar Kattan’s Brand Stories
Need a little inspiration? This blog is a stream of compelling tales of the biggest brands, from Dell to Cisco and beyond.
14. Get Storied Blog
This storytelling agency’s blog is updated often, with posts on both the fundamentals and advanced approaches to the craft.
15. The Hero’s Journey
Based on both the best-performing brand stories and patterns found in mythology, this resource outlines the principles of what you need, from an emotional core to familiarity.
16. How to Sell a $1 Snowglobe for $59
Storytelling is an invaluable tool for creating perceptions of value and exclusivity. This Fast.co article is a must-read for both startups and well-established brands.
17. The Best Example of Brand Storytelling Ever: the Lego Movie
The recent kid’s blockbuster film is really nothing more than a compelling commercial. Content mastermind Marcus Sheridan breaks down what we all can learn from it.
18. How Nike Embraced Brand Storytelling to Build an Empire
Between the slogan and their famous “swoosh” logo, Nike is one of the most-recognized brands in the world. This visuals-rich blog shares exactly why.
19. When You’re Telling a Brand Story, Every Touch point Matters
What if your brand story was mapped to your sales cycle, so your prospects felt like they were learning more about your company in just the right installments?
20. Infographic: Using Storytelling to Strengthen Your Brand
If you learn best in visual form (and many of us truly do), this infographic is a beautiful illustration of an effective process.
21. How to Write Brand Stories that Build Emotional Connections
This outstanding Forbes article is rich with examples from brands in every industry on how to make your tales more compelling.
22. The 7 Elements of Inbound Storytelling
Marketing agency Impact Branding & Design’s eBook is free, and packs a pretty big punch. Learn how to rule the intersection of narrative and inbound marketing.
23. Dan Roam
Visual artist “Dan Roam” could probably tell your brand’s story on the back of a napkin. Best of all, his blog contains plenty of videos that share his methods.
24. How to Share Your Brand Story with the Media
It’s pretty clear there’s intersection between PR and storytelling, and this free eBook shares how to compel journalists and publishers with your tale.
25. How to Tell a Story with Data
If your brand has any kind of technical bent, you’re probably tasked with the challenge of making some hard facts interesting. This Harvard Business Review article shares exactly how.
Have you mastered the art of brand storytelling? What are your favorite resources and tips? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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