Jonathan John
Jonathan John

Jonathan John | Author at https://writtent.com/

SEO Behavioral Factors

Nowadays, it’s no secret that behavioral factors play a significant role in search rankings. Google pays close attention to user experience signals such as CTR, bounce rate, time spent on a page, and return rate.

If you want your website not only to reach the top of Google search but also to maintain its position for a long time, you need to continuously monitor these metrics and work on improving them.

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writing pen

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Engaging a blog reader is a hard thing to do, especially in this digital age. As more and more content is produced on the Internet, people are less and less likely to read your blog in particular and stay interested in it.

To keep ahead in the blogging rat race, you need to be constantly improving your writing. Here are 11 actionable writing tips to help you do just that.

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Problem of content mediocrity

On the Internet, there’s just about 1 billion websites and 4,350,000,000 pages of information.

Fact: There’s more than enough content on the web already. Way more than enough.

In blogger terms, that means that if the only content you publish is rehashed themes already found all over the blogosphere, then don’t bank on success. Maybe that strategy worked back when there were only 10,000+ Internet users per website, but today, there’s only 4 for each.

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Persuasive Writing Tips

The most vital characteristic of copy that sells is persuasive writing. Once you have mastered the ability to weave words in a way that will persuade people to buy something, you’ve pretty much got it made as an Internet marketer.

Persuasive writing is one of the most valuable skills you’ll ever learn … and, consequently, one of the hardest to grasp. If you’re currently struggling in this area, take a look at these 9 persuasive writing tips, and start watching your copy improve.

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High Converting Copy

If you want copy that converts, you need to understand these 5 basic essentials of good copywriting.

Good – nay, great copywriting has to have a certain set of standards. By following those standards, you can ensure that your copy has a fighting chance to make your business (or your client’s business) money, and lots of it.

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The single most important piece of copy in a blog post.

One of the ultimate determinants of a blog post’s success.

If you don’t get them right, all the hours you spent crafting the post will go to waste, since nobody will read further than the post title.

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Content marketing trends

Content marketing — like any other type of online marketing — is continually changing and evolving. Meaning, if your content campaign today looks just like it did in ‘07, then it isn’t as effective as it was in 2007.

Example: one of my Internet marketing buddies’ content marketing campaign was built heavily around article directory submissions (think Ezine Articles). His traffic continues to decrease daily.

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The About Us page is one of the most visited pages of your website. But what happens after visitors land on it–do they stay on your site, look at your offerings, contact you for more information? Or do they disappear?

Part of the trick to keeping visitors and turning them into leads is to tell a powerful brand story, one that grabs and holds their attention like a great novel or movie. If you’re having trouble using stories in marketing, try these 15 storytelling techniques to help you write a better brand story.

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Best Practices for Effective Writing

While it’s always good to be creative and innovative to the utmost in all types of writing (especially blogging), you will also do well to remember that there are several writing standards (or best practices) that you should conform to.

These 11 practices detailed here may not apply to every single industry/niche, but implementing the majority of them will greatly benefit your overall writing.

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