“So, stick a fork in it. Guest blogging is done, it’s gotten too spammy.”

Rip guest blogging

Every marketer with an internet collection gasped when Matt Cutts, Google’s head webspam fighter, published these words on his personal blog a little over a week ago. For decades, guest blogging’s been the backbone of many brilliant brands’ outreach strategies, and often with remarkable results. Case studies have reported remarkable results, including 400% jumps in subscribers from landing a single post on a high-authority site:

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Guest Blogging Is A Remarkable Tool For Earning Backlinks

There are few shortcuts to great SEO in the post-Panda update era. While quality content, and a powerful social media strategy are key to earning higher organic search rankings, your website can’t gain authority overnight. Or can it?

Guest blogging is a remarkable tool for earning backlinks to your company’s website, a component that Google and other major search engines use heavily to determine the rank of your content. Not fully convinced that a high search ranking matters?

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Experienced content marketers have been hailing the expert interview as one of the best sources of content since the Internet was born, and with good reason. Interviews with experts help you get better information than you might have been able to get otherwise, vary the content you produce for more engagement, and lift the burden of creating tons of content on your own.

If you’re using content to attract and engage your prospects and customers, expert interviews can take your content marketing to the next level.

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Interviewing Tips

So you’ve finally generated some great interview ideas for your company’s content marketing strategy. Now what?

First you need to find an expert or two to interview. Then you’ll nail down the details, the technical stuff, and the interview itself. Use these interviewing tips to help you prepare and record interviews your customers will love to hear and share.

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Outsourcing Content

Outsourcing content is a bit of a secret among marketers. In an age where many of the industry thought leaders have risen to prominence through their blogs, no one wants to admit they’ve utilized a ghostwriter. However, recent studies from Content Marketing Institute indicate that all the cool enterprising kids are doing it.

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Writing a research paper is like cooking soup. You mix up the ingredients of research, analysis and your generalizations to get the result you intended. The quality of the chosen ingredients makes a huge difference. There is no way someone may like undercooked potatoes. Similarly, nobody likes quick research without comprehensive understanding of the problem. Whereas there is no secret service to help you with your homemade soup, a research paper writing service can boost your research process.

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Content Creation Tools

Your content is really only as good as its context. Would you read something about a 2012 political election, or best practices for using MySpace? Probably not. Humans have an innate craving for trending news and breaking stories. Being able to blend your branded messaging with relevant topics will significantly increase the virality of your content marketing. However, as content marketing expert Marcus Sheridan believes, “many businesses…are missing the mark big time.”

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Have you heard that 90% of companies are using custom content for marketing? Or that consumers believe that blogs are the most useful form of content? There’s a lot of compelling reasons to blog starting yesterday, not the least of which is that it’s no longer a differentiating factor. There are now nearly 7 million blogs on the internet, a meteoric increase over the 100,000 that existed a decade ago. From increased brand awareness to thought leadership to positive SEO, the reasons to blog are nearly endless. We’ve highlighted 25 of our favorites below:

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Blog Tricks To Skyrocket Sales

Sorry, but first-time visitors to your company’s website probably don’t want to talk to your sales representative. The internet and mobile technology have revolutionized the way that consumers research organizations, and many prospects who find your website through organic search simply aren’t ready to make a purchase. This fact doesn’t mean you need to cut your losses, continue using various blog tricks, and wait for your phone to ring. It simply means you should realize the power of your blog for educating your future customers, and strive to create a reader experience that’s as informative and valuable as possible. Leveraging the experience and proven results of the best experts in the industry, we’ve curated 10 remarkable blog tricks to help you reach your sales goals, without resorting to pushy content:

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Content Promotion Strategy

“If you write great content, people will find it.” While that’s certainly an idyllic thought of a world in which marketers can just focus on creating outstanding content, it’s just not accurate anymore.

Over 2 million blog posts are published to the web each day. Call it an era of abundance, information obesity, or the content arms race, but the truth is that it’s much harder than it used to be to build an audience.

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