Helen Nesterenko
Helen Nesterenko

Helen Nesterenko | Author at https://writtent.com/

Your marketing strategy will never be complete if you don’t maintain a social media presence. Just like with anything else, taking proper care of your accounts can be extremely time-consuming and ineffective unless you have the right tools at your disposal. If you don’t have time to experiment with a large variety of tools in order to find one that is right for you, a good idea would be to consult several experts. Luckily for all of us, a few social media influencers were very helpful and told us about their most favorite social media tools.

Happy expert

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How Donald Trump Became a Real Estate Mogul

Donald Trump

Donald John Trump, Sr. was born on June 14, 1946.

His father was Fred Trump, a wealthy New York City real estate developer.

Donald Trump grew up learning about the real estate industry from his father.

He went on to attend the prestigious Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

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Marketing Events & Conferences

Digital marketing industry changes so fast that it’s of crucial importance for every professional marketer to keep abreast of the major marketing industry news and events.

Visiting different trade shows, summits, forums and marketing conferences is a great opportunity to become immersed in sharing your knowledge with the brightest and the best people in the industry.

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You already know that guest blogging is an awesome technique to build and grow relations by generating incoming links. It’s 5 times more effective to grow a website audience and traffic by publishing posts on other websites than on your own. Even further, it’s the only white-hat SEO technique left out there that allows you to legitimately grow incoming links and audience.

Guest Blogging

Yet, there are mistakes that will absolutely sabotage your guest blogging efforts.

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Content Strategy

Building a small business content strategy is hard work, but it’s probably about to get much harder.

Many subject matter experts believe that our current state of content overload is just the calm before the storm. As Doug Kessler of Velocity Partners spectates, “the rush to content marketing in every industry will make it harder and harder for your brand to rise above the noise.” If your entire strategy to date has relied on doing what you competitors already did, a few weeks later, it’s definitely time to pause and reset.

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Outsourcing Content

Outsourcing content is a bit of a secret among marketers. In an age where many of the industry thought leaders have risen to prominence through their blogs, no one wants to admit they’ve utilized a ghostwriter. However, recent studies from Content Marketing Institute indicate that all the cool enterprising kids are doing it.

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Writing a research paper is like cooking soup. You mix up the ingredients of research, analysis and your generalizations to get the result you intended. The quality of the chosen ingredients makes a huge difference. There is no way someone may like undercooked potatoes. Similarly, nobody likes quick research without comprehensive understanding of the problem. Whereas there is no secret service to help you with your homemade soup, a research paper writing service can boost your research process.

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Content Creation Tools

Your content is really only as good as its context. Would you read something about a 2012 political election, or best practices for using MySpace? Probably not. Humans have an innate craving for trending news and breaking stories. Being able to blend your branded messaging with relevant topics will significantly increase the virality of your content marketing. However, as content marketing expert Marcus Sheridan believes, “many businesses…are missing the mark big time.”

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The Best Time To Send Email

Email should be the power player of your inbound marketing strategy.

In case you haven’t heard, it’s still an incredibly effective method of connecting with consumers. The Direct Marketing Association reports that email drives more ROI than any other form of outreach for 67% of companies, and it’s the top source for new sales for 30% of marketers.

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