Blog Successfully

Blog successfully and you can smile all the way to the bank. Your website traffic will grow, your company will flourish, and your reputation could swell to the point where business finds you. Bloggers like Tim Sykes rake in up to $1,000,000 per month!

But it’s not quite that simple. In order to achieve success, there are things every blogger must have – things you can’t blog without. In this post, I highlight five of the most important. If you’re just starting out with blogging, hopefully you will find this useful.

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Problem of content mediocrity

On the Internet, there’s just about 1 billion websites and 4,350,000,000 pages of information.

Fact: There’s more than enough content on the web already. Way more than enough.

In blogger terms, that means that if the only content you publish is rehashed themes already found all over the blogosphere, then don’t bank on success. Maybe that strategy worked back when there were only 10,000+ Internet users per website, but today, there’s only 4 for each.

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“Oh, I’ve nearly finished my dissertation though I still have much time left” said no college student ever. When you work on your dissertation, time is against you. You may feel like researching, editing, revising, rewriting and researching again will last forever. In that regard, a professional dissertation writing service may be your light in the end of the tunnel.

Expert writers can find unique and interesting facts for your dissertation. Experienced researchers can find credible sources in the little known places. Or, they may eliminate all kinds of errors from your project. Giving you time and confidence, writing services can make your dissertation less stressful but more effective at the same time.

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Persuasive Writing Tips

The most vital characteristic of copy that sells is persuasive writing. Once you have mastered the ability to weave words in a way that will persuade people to buy something, you’ve pretty much got it made as an Internet marketer.

Persuasive writing is one of the most valuable skills you’ll ever learn … and, consequently, one of the hardest to grasp. If you’re currently struggling in this area, take a look at these 9 persuasive writing tips, and start watching your copy improve.

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Secrets of Blog Posts that Go Viral

Quality isn’t always a measure of whether content is going to go viral. Actually, neither is budget. Studies have found that 60% of viral advertising isn’t created by Fortune 500s. It’s crafted by smaller brands. You have the power to earn thousands of Facebook shares, ReTweets, and +1s. And today, we’ll share some tips on how you can unleash it.

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High Converting Copy

If you want copy that converts, you need to understand these 5 basic essentials of good copywriting.

Good – nay, great copywriting has to have a certain set of standards. By following those standards, you can ensure that your copy has a fighting chance to make your business (or your client’s business) money, and lots of it.

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Visual Content

A content marketing strategy without visual elements is like chocolate chip cookies without any chocolate. It’s still good, but it lacks the mass appeal.

Researchers believe that around 65% of the population are visual learners, who are able to best process information that’s relayed in images, infographics and video. While the average adult reads around 300 words a minute, the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text.

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Finding Perfect Freelance Writers

Hiring freelance writers makes perfect sense when you run a small business or startup. There is only so much you can do yourself. Sure, at the outset, you may be the marketing, accounting, sales, and support departments all rolled into one, but as the company grows, you will need help – especially with the content creation.

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