Search results for "SEO copywriting"

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SEO Metal Gears

If you want to be competitive as a copywriter, your work needs to be optimized for SEO. What is the point of writing an amazing and compelling article if people can’t find it on the web?

92% of marketers say that content creation is very effective for SEO. It is definitely effective, but only if you know how to create content that’s perfectly optimized for the latest rules of SEO.

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SEO Copywriting

To the dismay of businesses and marketers, SEO copywriting best practices do not guarantee high SERP rankings. They aren’t a foolproof way to skyrocket sales and conversions rates, either. While there are guidelines, and legitimate hints are dropped from time to time, nobody knows exactly what will rank web pages and appeal to prospects.

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27+ Resources to Learn SEO Copywriting

Copywriting is how companies sell things online. And offline. Smart businesses know this and are investing in learning how to use the written word to their full advantage. However, don’t expect to reach scores of buying masses until you master SEO copywriting and leverage search traffic.

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SEO copywriting for your blog

SEO copywriting refers to the art of writing copy that ranks well in search. It is relatively easy to do (if you have some experience), and it’s an excellent way to gain valuable web traffic without spending thousands of dollars on paid advertising.

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Copywriting Techniques

It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking copywriting and search engine optimization (SEO) are two separate things. Copywriting is for the user; it’s all about getting them to take action. SEO is for search engines; it’s about appealing to their algorithms. In reality, however, copywriting and SEO work together. Keep the following SEO copywriting techniques and tips in mind when writing for your website.

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SEO Is Not Dead

While it may come as a surprise to some people, SEO is still alive and kicking.

Inc. magazine published click-bait piece recently with the title “SEO is Dead”. It promoted a “new” concept they refer to as online audience optimization (OAO). But here’s the thing. OAO isn’t anything new. In fact, it’s what smart SEOs have been doing for a really long time. As search engines have shifted toward more sophisticated language processing, creating content people love has become absolutely critical.

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Quality content is more than king, it’s the modern equivalent of a life boat. Today’s consumer is savvier and more connected than ever. Writing web copy that truly stands out from the pack can differentiate your brand online, allowing you to retain an edge in an era of fierce competition.

copywriting tips - content is king

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Effective Website Copywriting

Like a good handshake, well-written website copy conveys professionalism, promotes trust, and engages the other person. The value of successful SEO copywriting can’t be overstated, but although some professional copywriters have an innate knack for content writing, the art of effective copywriting is one that can be easily learned. Following are some website copywriting tips to help you create masterful content.

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Web Copywriting Tips

If you feel like becoming a Copywriting Superman, you need to learn how to attract visitors. Being able to put yourself into your customers’ shoes, you should also be eye-catching and unique in your content.

Do you want your customers to switch to your competitor’s website just because your headlines or paragraphs are too generic and scarce?

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