25+ Resources to Write Killer Headlines

Stop wasting your time agonizing over how to write killer headlines that will get your blog posts read. Yes, it is still true that 9 out of 10 people will never look further than reading your headline, but that doesn’t mean writing them should be a pain-staking ordeal. Here are more than 25+ resources to help you learn how to write killer headlines with ease in minutes. These great tips will have you writing amazing killer headlines that will get your blog read and shared.
1. How To Write Magnetic Headlines
This eBook from CopyBlogger offers a great in-depth guide to writing killer headlines. They also offer access to many more great writing eBooks.
2. Write Killer Headlines In 2 Minutes Without Thinking
This article features an amazing two-step formula for how to write killer headlines. They also have links to some relevant sources.
3. How to Write Killer Blog Titles & Why Mine Suck
This satirical blog post details great tips for teaching you how to write killer headlines for blog posts.
4. Why Writing Killer Headlines Will Change Your Life | Make A Living Writing
As a trusted source of writing tips, Make A Living Writing offers great advice and resources for writing killer headlines.
5. How to Write Catchy Blog Headlines that Get Click | YouTube Video
This great YouTube video explains the use of 7 powerful trigger words. This is great advice for learning how to write killer headlines.
6. How to Write Killer Headlines For Your Blog | Hannah Moss
Gary provides an amazingly comprehensive list of amazing examples for writing killer blog headlines.
7. Writing Killer Headlines | PDF eBook
This 17 page eBook is a great solution for headlines and comes with over 200 fill-in-the-blank headline options.
8. Writing and Designing a Killer Headline
This informative article provides a great easy-to-understand outline for designing the best blog post headlines.
9. How To Write Award Winning Blog Headlines
This is a great headline writing resource for those who have been blogging for a while, but are looking to improve headlines and traffic.
10. 10 questions to help you write better headlines
This is one of the best 10 question checklists that I have found to see if your headlines are spot on.
11. A Guide To Writing Headlines For Not-So-Great Writers: 5 Tips For More Clicks | AIMCLEAR
Great tips for writing killer headlines for those of us who are less than creative. Maybe you were creative once, but you’re just getting burned out – these tips are great for you too.
12. Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer
This amazing free online tool will analyze any headline you enter and tell you its emotional marketing value.
13. 5 Quick Tips to Write Headlines That Get More Clicks | Your Marketing People
One of our most trusted sources for writing and marketing information today also offers great tips for how to write killer headlines.
14. A Simple Formula for Writing Kick-Ass Titles | HubSpot
On of our greatest resources for marketing information offers some fun and unique tips for writing great headlines.
15. A Scientific Guide To Writing Popular—And Shareable—Headlines For Twitter, Facebook, And Your Blog | Fast Company
Great information for those looking to create headlines that are sharable across social media platforms.
16. Blog Topic Generator | HubSpot
This amazing little free online tool takes three nouns from you and turns out a week’s worth of headlines.
17. Free AI Blog Title Generator & Ahrefs
This free online tool will generate SEO blog post titles and help you cure writer’s block.
18. Content Idea Generator
Great tool. Just type in your keyword and this free online tool will generate search engine optimized headlines for your topics. Writer’s block will never again be an issue when you keep this tool in your writing arsenal.
19. How to Find 200+ Blog Headlines that Work… in a Single Click!
For bloggers who are ready to take their blog to the next level, this is a great guide for SEO blogging headlines that work.
20. Headline Wizard
Answer a few short questions and the Headline Wizard will automatically generate great titles for your blog posts.
21. The 20 Best Headlines Ever | Business Insider
Check out the best headlines ever for some great examples of killer headlines. Many of us are left confused by the how-to’s of writing, viewing the finished examples can make it so much clearer.
22. How to Write Great Headlines: 21 Creative Headline Examples
Follow this link to download the expert guide to writing amazing headlines.
23. 12 Irresistible Headlines From The World’s Best Selling Magazines! | Slide Share
Take a lesson from the world’s best-selling magazines to see what headlines work. These magazines have figured out the art of creating amazing headlines that sell.
24. 7 High-Converting Headline Formulas | Samuel J. Woods
If you are looking for a more scientifically proven theory for how to write killer headlines, this article is for you. Use consumer psychology to launch blog post titles that get you attention.
25. These Five Astonishing Headline Writing Secrets Will Make You Cry, Or At Least Click | Forbes
Check out these against-the-grain tips and tricks for creating amazing headlines that get your blog posts read, without being stereotypical.
26. 5 Tricks for Writing Catchy Headlines that Lead to Viral Articles | Medium
These secrets are not so secret, however this new viewpoint could be just what you’re looking for to help you write great headlines.
That wraps up our list for the best resources on how to write killer headlines that bring traffic and convert visitors. Have you found any great headline tools that weren’t mentioned here? What are they?
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