32 Resources to Write Great Blog Headlines

2 million blog posts are written every day. As the web becomes more crowded with content, it’s becoming harder and harder to draw people’s attention to your blog posts.
Don’t know how to keep up?
Create an amazing headline and your chance to win readers’ hearts will grow. Peter Koechley from Upworthy states that headlines can affect web traffic by as much as 500%.
It’s a real rat race out there!
Keep your blog steadily growing by improving your skill set and adopting content marketing best practices.
Here are 32 resources to help you write blog headlines that will rock the web:
- Tips and Tricks for Writing Great Blog Headlines
1. How to Write The Perfect Headline: The Top Words Used in Viral Headlines.
Did you know that by including the most viral words or phrases you can improve your click-through rates from search engines and social media? Check out how words like “you”, “your”, “why”, “what”, “people”, “the most” and many others can change your content’s destiny.
2. Case Study: BuzzFeed Headlines.
What is so special about BuzzFeed headlines?
They are unique, intriguing and often contain numbers and lists. Sometimes they are even very touching and cute. Don’t hesitate to check out these examples and success stories.
3. The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post: The Data on Headlines, Length, Images and More.
Find out how many words and characters your headline should have in order for you to succeed. Kevan Lee uses screenshots and real-world examples that make this topic easy to understand.
4. How to Craft Post Titles that Draw Readers Into Your Blog.
There is no need to work so hard at creating an amazing headline. You should create an amazing content first.
If you agree, I’m sorry, but you are so wrong! Check out these eight blog headlines strategies, and discover data-driven reasons why blog headlines truly matter.
5. Avoid the Headline Holdup: Learn How to Unplug The Bottleneck in Your Business
Still not convinced blog headlines are important?
Zach Bulygo will help you go down the right path by giving unbeatable reasons to help you understand the importance.
Also, you’ll discover seven things to keep in mind when writing a mind-blowing headline.
6. New Outbrain Study Says Negative Headlines Do Better Than Positive
This article is packed full of statistics that make a very interesting – and slightly depressing – case for writing negative headlines.
7. Headline Writing: 19 Ways to Write Irresistible Headlines.
Learn how to create headlines that convert readers into subscribers and leads. Anand Kansal uses the results of a 2011 Landing Page Optimization Benchmark Report by MarketingSherpa, VWO’s in-app survey and an Eyetracking Study of Web Readers. It’s both informative and entertaining at the same time!
8. How to Write Headlines That Work.
How many types of headlines are you familiar with? Well, this resource covers direct, indirect, news, questions, command, testimonials, and even more types of titles. You’ll also learn how each kind works, and when to use them.
Don’t hesitate to check it out.
9. The Scientific Guide to Creating Sticky Headlines.
R. Philip Bouchard covers several problems you may have with your headlines: “The Headline is Too Vague”, “The Headline is ‘Me, too’”, “The Headline is Over-Hyped”; and explains why each are a problem. Learn why your headlines should “have a quantifiable benefit”, “have a specific time frame”, and “combine the quantifiable benefit with the specific time frame”.
You also will find examples and step-by-step instructions to create awesome blog headlines. This resource is really all inclusive!
10. 7 Quick Tips for Writing Great Headlines for Your WordPress Blog.
Check out 7 headline tips for your WordPress blog. Examples are included. Keep in mind that while this resource is great to read, you should know that it’s better to host your blog at your company’s website than solely on a free blogging platform. All your SEO credit could go there and not to your website.
11. The Headline Shaker Maker: An Easier Way to Write Better Headlines.
Create blog headlines that emphasize your businesses’ strongest attributes. Also, check out how to make your headline unique with the help of their free Headline Shaker Maker Tool.
Check out even more tips to get some inspiration for creating outstanding titles.
13. 7 Tools to Create Killer Headlines.
Read the article and learn about handy tools like the Content Idea Generator, Emotional Headline Analyzer, B-Rhymes and Link Bait Title Generator to help you on your way to creating killer blog headlines.
14. An Inside Look at 10 Classic Headline Writing Fails — and Their Fixes.
The most common headline mistakes are explained, and you’ll even gain access to how to avoid them in the process.
15. How To Craft Killer Headlines That Ooze Response.
This resource offers you the power to organize your learning process in a really smart way. Find out how to create a list of useful information, where to look for it, and how to organize it to be there for you when need it.
16. 7 Powerful Archetypal Headlines for Copywriting.
Take advantage of this advice, and nine more proven title formulas to add to your list.
17. The Science of Writing Must-Click Headlines on Social Media.
Wondering what types of words are better to use in your headlines: verbs, adverbs or nouns?
Don’t know how many characters and words should be in your headline?
Curious about how all this may influence your click-through rate?
This resource will answer your questions, help you to understand what really works, and what formulas are best.
18. 45 Exciting Words to Spice up Your Blog Headlines.
Make your headline more emotional! Pick a word that you like from this provided list, and you’ll increase your chances to win a prospective reader’s attention.
19. 6 Lessons for Writing Irresistibly Magnetic Blog Post Headlines.
Matthew Capala and his students share their insights about headlines that work.
- Templates and Headline Formulas
20. 7 More Sure-Fire Headline Templates That Work.
You should definitely check out these amazing templates. It makes the process of creating blog headlines go smoothly.
21. 7 Proven Headline Formulas That Convert (And why they work).
Learn headline formulas to create an emotional, cute or touchy headline just like BuzzFeed does so well.
22. Teacher Resources: Activity – Writing headlines (20 mins).
Use this exercise to practice, and drill down on what you still need to improve.
23. 9 Proven Headline Formulas That Sell Like Crazy.
Check out 9 powerful formulas “that will give you a creative jumping off point to write a headline that works”.
24. 10 Sure-Fire Headline Formulas That Work.
In this resource you’ll gain access to unique headline formulas that sound fresh and enticing. Best of all, this article is short and straight to the point.
25. 10 Questions to Help You Write Better Headlines.
This resource is completely actionable. In fact, it can work as a checklist for you not to miss anything important.
26. How To Write a Headline.
Here’s an easy resource to scan for inspiration before starting writing. It’s written in a short question-and-answer format.
27. Is This Headline Clear? Learning About Ambiguity and Clarity From Headlines.
Learn why some of the headlines are ambiguous, and why this is to be avoided at all costs.
- E-books and Other Resources to Learn From
28. 102 Headline-Writing Formulas.
Dive into this really extensive resource, which offers over a hundred formulas divided among six sections. Marketer Chris Garrett even shows how headlines can reflect different moods.
29. 52 Headline Hacks.
In this ebook you will find blog headline formulas as well. You will be learning with Jon Morrow who keeps the mood and lessons extremely easy to absorb.
30. A “Write Great Headlines” Resource & Webinar.
This source has 218 fill-in-the-blank headlines to come up with a creative headline quickly.
31. 19 Headline Writing Tips for More Clickable Blog Posts.
Tired of reading?
Watch a webinar and learn with Hana Abaza and Michael Keshen about writing perfect blog headlines.
32. How to Write Better Headlines [Infographic].
Check out this great infographics to learn even more formulas and find out why headlines fail. It also will help you to sum up and refresh the information you’ve just learned.
Which of these resources do you think are the most informative? Let me know in the comments below! Feel free to share resources that I didn’t!
Also, don’t hesitate to check out 11 Ways to Write Damn Good Headlines blog post for more information.
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