Nelson Dias
Nelson Dias

Nelson Dias | Author at https://writtent.com/


For many, Reddit is just a place to browse interesting discussions and share memes, but for savvy marketers, it’s a goldmine of potential visitors. Reddit’s vast and engaged user base can drive thousands of targeted visitors to your site, but only if you know the right strategies.

The traffic Google sends to Reddit has skyrocketed from about 156 million visitors a month last year to an incredible 626 million monthly visitors now. That’s a 5X growth in just 12 months. Such rapid growth from one of the world’s biggest sites is amazing.

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Look for Freelance Writers

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Freelance writers can make or break your business.

Hire the right ones and your traffic, leads, and conversions could skyrocket, while you save time and money. Hiring the wrong ones, on the other hand, can mean poor sales, wasted resources and opportunities, and a muddy reputation that can’t be salvaged. Who can afford that?

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Social media content

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Is quality content the backbone of your SEO strategy? If you are a serious small business or online marketer, it certainly should be. Shabby content doesn’t engage readers. It doesn’t build valuable links. It doesn’t attract search engines, generate leads, or convert sales.

While “gaming the system” might have worked in the past, consumers expect more now. So do search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo – Google in particular. To gain search visibility and traffic today, a company needs to be useful, solve problems, and develop a brand.

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SEO Tools

Content marketing is about creating, optimizing, and distributing valuable content to grow your web presence and steer the actions of consumers. It involves driving traffic, generating leads, and building authority. Not too hard if you have the right skills and strategy, but without an arsenal of SEO tools at your disposal, you are bound to waste time and money.

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Top SEO Plugins

Want to maximize your blog traffic? Sure you do. In my last post, I touched on how using these 27 must use SEO tools can deliver incredible content marketing results, and they really can – I hope you found the post useful. Today, I list 27 of the best search engine optimization plugins available for those looking to get more traffic to their blogs. Most of these are for WordPress, but there are two browser plugins toward the end. Again, I hope you these helpful. Note that while I use many of these tools personally and have tested them all, some may not be compatible with your website, theme, version, or browser. The install instructions are straightforward, but get someone to help if you’re a newbie. The following tools are listed randomly. As usual, bookmark, share, and enjoy!

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Blog Successfully

Blog successfully and you can smile all the way to the bank. Your website traffic will grow, your company will flourish, and your reputation could swell to the point where business finds you. Bloggers like Tim Sykes rake in up to $1,000,000 per month!

But it’s not quite that simple. In order to achieve success, there are things every blogger must have – things you can’t blog without. In this post, I highlight five of the most important. If you’re just starting out with blogging, hopefully you will find this useful.

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Finding Perfect Freelance Writers

Hiring freelance writers makes perfect sense when you run a small business or startup. There is only so much you can do yourself. Sure, at the outset, you may be the marketing, accounting, sales, and support departments all rolled into one, but as the company grows, you will need help – especially with the content creation.

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Freelance Writer Tools

The benefits of being an online freelance writer are undeniable. No 9-5, no daily commute, and no pittance of a salary. As a freelancer, you get to control your professional life, working your own hours from anywhere in the world and determining your income. Not to mention you don’t have to answer to a pesky boss about every little thing you do.

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