Do You Miss an Opportunity to Grow Your Business?

Mike had his website launched – and now a whole world of online opportunity was open before him.
He’d always dreamed of being an entrepreneur. When he was a young boy, his Father told him to build his own business because this was the only way to make a difference in this world. Mike wanted the freedom to follow his dreams and build an empire. Mike was a natural-born innovator, and his years of dreaming, saving, research and hard work had finally paid off.
Mike had a great product, and it was time to let others know about the business. He’d spent years reading the best marketing books and blogs in preparation for his product launch. Mike knew that one of the most effective ways to capture organic traffic from Google was blogging. What could be better than improving his SEO, website authority, and educating his customers with content marketing? Mike sat down to write on Sunday afternoon, and managed to finish three posts by the end of the day. He repeated this every Sunday for the next two months, but it wasn’t sustainable. Orders through his website were starting to pick up, and Mike needed to hire and train new employees. Mike could get his content done, but he needed the hours spent creating content to focus on his company even more.
Mikes’ growing business was asking for more and more attention. He knew he needed content, but finding the right solution was becoming frustrating. Creating engaging content on his own was difficult to manage, and even harder to measure results. Mike tried hiring freelance writers directly through content marketplaces, but that wasn’t helpful. All too often, the writers disappeared once he’d assigned a blog article. He suffered through a few weeks of consistently missed deadlines.
When Mike did get articles turned back in, they were of low-quality and missed the mark on what his business was all about. These content marketplaces were really just a matchmaking service that offered some shiny tools, but they didn’t take responsibility for the end result. He was sure it was possible to get what he needed from these platforms eventually, but Mike didn’t have the time or funds to invest in making it work.
Mike found himself frustrated. He thought to himself, “so if I need an update for my blog – just one update – why is there no guarantee it’s going to be done right? I just need content to grow my business. I don’t have time for missed deadlines and endless rounds of revision. All I want is content that works, and helps my company grow.”
At Writtent , this is exactly what we do – we give you the freedom to choose your products. You have the freedom to grow your business with engaging content that scales with your business and sustains your personal voice. We’ve got fixed pricing and guaranteed on-time delivery of your content.
We give you the freedom to grow your brand the way you want it.
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