Blogging: Why Social Media Really Matters
The time has to come to go beyond vague suggestions and analyze specific tactics that will lead to a powerful combination of blogging and social media interaction. Let’s talk about what your blog post should look like, how to share it via multiple social platforms, and when to do it.

What to Share
By now, you should be fully aware of the extreme importance of creating original content. The next logical steps include researching which blog topics get the most feedback and analyzing your competitors’ blog content. As a result, you should come up with content that is concise but enticing, possibly entertaining, and relevant to your audience’s area of interest. It also should be focused on one specific subject and contain an important message that the readers will be able to easily digest. Your blog post needs to be accompanied by above-average visual aspects: Think unique images that evoke emotional response, or short informative videos. Images for non-commercial use can be found on websites like Vecteezy, free of charge. Last but not least, your blog post must be search engine optimized (SEO) with appropriate keywords that will trigger hits in search engines.
Where to Share
First of all, your brand’s mandatory social network presence is focused on growing a customer base. Think of it as an alternative to a networking event. Reach out to other users, answer questions to establish yourself as an expert, and ask questions to engage in discussions and be seen. Like a real member of a community, feel free to add value to the conversation and establish long lasting, friendly relationships. Don’t be shy!
After you’ve started engaging your audience, it’s time to make sure your stellar, sharp, unique, and by all means, wonderful content does not go unnoticed by the people who would appreciate it the most. Therefore, share it through social media platforms. The appropriate platform is determined on the post type and the audience that you would like to target and eventually astonish with your content. When you post a link to your blog post on platforms like Google+, LinkedIn, and Facebook, include a snippet. A snippet is an image and a short description of the material you are looking to share (ideally, describe it in 150 characters or less).

When to Share
Each platform has its specific times during the day when the traffic peaks and fades. For instance, take a look at the updated Facebook Insights to get a clear picture of your audience’s online presence. The worst approach to sharing your blog content through social media is to post the same update to every platform you can think of at the same time. That is incredibly boring and so ineffective! Experiment a little, try posting the update at different times throughout the day and see what works best. Remember, there is no precise set of rules when it comes to scheduling your social media updates and you may need to change the entire game plan quickly. To get more insight in regards with scheduling times, check out the infographic focused on best social media practices.
Chances are, you have used these techniques before. Feel free to share your experience, and perhaps some other strategies you implement in your successful blogging/social media campaign.
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