Christina Walker
Christina Walker

Christina Walker | Author at https://writtent.com/

One of the best things about content marketing is how it builds credibility, amplifies authority, and makes you a thought leader.

But what exactly is thought leadership?

Wikipedia defines a thought leader as someone who “is recognized by peers for having innovative ideas. Thought leaders often publish articles and blog posts on trends and topics influencing an industry.”

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Link Building Strategy

Thanks to latest Google algorithm updates, getting your blog to appear on the first page of search results is trickier than ever. Building links is frowned upon, but you still need links to rank well. So what kind of link building strategy can you use to get the high-quality links you need without incurring the wrath of the Google gods?

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Twitter Scheduling

The internet is the great equalizer for small business marketing, especially with the advent of social media sites where you can reach millions of users. The problem is, it’s easy to get distracted on those sites and waste hours instead of moving on to other tasks.

Enter Twitter (now it’s X) scheduling and social media automation, which have a lot of strong supporters – and strong opposition.

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Business Blog Writing Tips

If writing isn’t your strong suit, then creating blog posts and other content marketing initiatives can be a huge hassle. You know how powerful great content can be — you just don’t feel up to the task of creating it.

The good news is, almost every business blogger feels this way at one point or another, so you’re not alone. Even better, these blog writing tips will help you pump out great articles every time.

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Content Marketing Graph

It’s no coincidence that the entrepreneurship and content marketing trends went up around the same time. All businesses can use content marketing, but startups need it the most. Why?

  • To spread brand awareness
  • To improve SEO on a brand-new website
  • To build trust and authority
  • To engage with customers, leads, and fans

Plus, content marketing for startups is cost-effective, so it helps you maximize the return on a limited amount of funding.

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Content Curation Strategy

Content marketing done right can be a powerful tool for promoting your website and business and for generating more leads. But all that content creation sure takes a lot of time–time you sometimes don’t have.

Plus, after consistently publishing epic content for a while, the well of inspiration can dry up. Your customers and prospects are left with parched throats and you wonder what to do now.

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Content marketing is only going to get more impactful, so if you’re not on the bandwagon already, now’s the time to jump on. If you’ve been hesitating because this type of online marketing requires so much content creation, get ready for good news:

You don’t have to create all that content yourself.

Most of the content you publish should be your own, but you can also curate content for your business blog. Content curation saves you time and helps you build relationships with other businesses and blogs.

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Content Curation Tools

With the rise of inbound marketing and the growing popularity of curating content, the number of content curation tools to help you find and share content has exploded. Use the following list of the best content curation tools for entrepreneurs and small businesses to jumpstart your efforts as a curator.

*Please note: we haven’t been able to test every content discovery and curation platform out there, but all resources listed in this post are popular and have great recommendations.

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