Blogging Statistics

Whether you are a small business owner just learning nuts and bolts of blogging magic or already a blogging guru, you need to keep abreast of the most important blogging trends if you want to succeed in your blogging efforts.

Wondering if you need to set up a blog? Not sure if your blogging efforts bring the necessary results? Curious to know how your readers behave online and what content they pay attention to?

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Writing Strategies

Have you ever watched a movie and, out of nowhere, a scene takes place that is somehow so “off” that it jars you out of the narrative and back to reality? Sloppy storytelling is confusing and frustrating, whether it’s in a movie or on a website.

A blog post or article will succeed or fail based on whether it engages the audience in a clear and consistent way. Here are nine writing strategies that can help you snag your readers and keep them interested.

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It’s easy to start a blog, but it’s incredibly difficult to build an audience. 92% of marketers are currently creating custom branded content. Each company has some serious competition to gain notice from today’s consumers, who have more information at their fingertips than ever before. Advice to write “quality content” isn’t always enough; even brilliant content can be ignored if you aren’t marketing it the right way.

But there’s nothing to worry about as our blogging experts are here to share their tips for creating a blog from scratch and maintaining it building a lively and active audience.

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Tips for better storytelling

There’s absolutely nothing new about brand storytelling. While the term is building buzz lately, it’s pretty much as old as the buyer-seller relationship – or perhaps even older. Some of today’s smartest organizations are mastering the art of telling tales on digital platforms, and experiencing remarkable results for their efforts.

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Power Words That Sell

Are you struggling to find the right words to sell your product or idea?

Do you want to find better words that sell to maximise your conversions?

All writers know how important word choice is, and the power that a single word can have on readers. Choosing the right word can be the difference between them taking action and remaining passive readers. It can be the difference between writing content that’s memorable and content that’s easily forgotten.

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I’m going to be bold here and create an ultimatum for bloggers.

Your headline is the most important part of your blog post.


Because if you don’t have a great nay, sensational, awe-inspiring headline for your blog post, no one will ever read it.

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Resources for killer headlines to rocket web traffic

Stop wasting your time agonizing over how to write killer headlines that will get your blog posts read. Yes, it is still true that 9 out of 10 people will never look further than reading your headline, but that doesn’t mean writing them should be a pain-staking ordeal. Here are more than 25+ resources to help you learn how to write killer headlines with ease in minutes. These great tips will have you writing amazing killer headlines that will get your blog read and shared.

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Sources of Inspiration for Content Creation

Inspiration… A notion that can hardly be explained and, at times, is even harder to find.

Some writers say that only hard work and professionalism will help them to create outstanding pieces of literary art. Others try to assure you that inspiration is of paramount importance for content creation, and without it, all the other frenzied effort is useless.

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