How Donald Trump Became a Real Estate Mogul

Donald Trump

Donald John Trump, Sr. was born on June 14, 1946.

His father was Fred Trump, a wealthy New York City real estate developer.

Donald Trump grew up learning about the real estate industry from his father.

He went on to attend the prestigious Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

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Content Marketing Graph

It’s no coincidence that the entrepreneurship and content marketing trends went up around the same time. All businesses can use content marketing, but startups need it the most. Why?

  • To spread brand awareness
  • To improve SEO on a brand-new website
  • To build trust and authority
  • To engage with customers, leads, and fans

Plus, content marketing for startups is cost-effective, so it helps you maximize the return on a limited amount of funding.

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Are you reaching your content marketing goals?

I’d be lying if I said this question didn’t keep many of our peers and colleagues awake at night. Despite the explosion of metrics and analytics tools over the past several years, many marketers still think that a data-driven approach to marketing is best left to the nerds. We’ll clue you in on a little secret. Agile, metrics-focused marketing isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s not too hard for anyone. We’ve compiled a list of the most important measures, tools, and tactics, so you can begin gaining a comprehensive view of how well your work is performing:

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Marketing Events & Conferences

Digital marketing industry changes so fast that it’s of crucial importance for every professional marketer to keep abreast of the major marketing industry news and events.

Visiting different trade shows, summits, forums and marketing conferences is a great opportunity to become immersed in sharing your knowledge with the brightest and the best people in the industry.

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Content Curation Strategy

Content marketing done right can be a powerful tool for promoting your website and business and for generating more leads. But all that content creation sure takes a lot of time–time you sometimes don’t have.

Plus, after consistently publishing epic content for a while, the well of inspiration can dry up. Your customers and prospects are left with parched throats and you wonder what to do now.

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Content marketing is only going to get more impactful, so if you’re not on the bandwagon already, now’s the time to jump on. If you’ve been hesitating because this type of online marketing requires so much content creation, get ready for good news:

You don’t have to create all that content yourself.

Most of the content you publish should be your own, but you can also curate content for your business blog. Content curation saves you time and helps you build relationships with other businesses and blogs.

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Content Curation Tools

With the rise of inbound marketing and the growing popularity of curating content, the number of content curation tools to help you find and share content has exploded. Use the following list of the best content curation tools for entrepreneurs and small businesses to jumpstart your efforts as a curator.

*Please note: we haven’t been able to test every content discovery and curation platform out there, but all resources listed in this post are popular and have great recommendations.

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You already know that guest blogging is an awesome technique to build and grow relations by generating incoming links. It’s 5 times more effective to grow a website audience and traffic by publishing posts on other websites than on your own. Even further, it’s the only white-hat SEO technique left out there that allows you to legitimately grow incoming links and audience.

Guest Blogging

Yet, there are mistakes that will absolutely sabotage your guest blogging efforts.

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