Marketing Case Studies

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Content marketers need to be empathetic, detail-oriented, and tech-savvy. However, agility may be the most important attribute of all. As HubSpot’s Corey Eridon points out, nimbleness is a state of mind, which requires being able to quickly adapt to new changes and trends. You simply can’t lead a winning content marketing strategy if you’re playing by the old rules of SEO, or blogging to the wrong buyer persona.

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Statistics in content marketing

Despite the fact that 86% of brands have adopted content marketing practices, 82% of marketers say they’re not receiving training. This fact has created an interesting playing field for content-minded professionals. The truth is the individuals and brands that succeed in the years to come will be those who are aggressive about self-education.

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Growth hacking…  Is this a new buzzword or a must-have skill for a digital marketer? Like many things, the most effective solutions are often born from scarcity. That’s probably one of the reasons why growth hacking is a trend associated with start-ups. While it’s not quite hit the mainstream yet, I believe it’s just around the corner for larger organizations. The concept is based on two profound observations of modern business:

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Are you pretty clueless when it comes to Google+?

Unfortunately, it’s probably time for a crash course. Recent studies reveal that the social network has pretty much come out of nowhere to register 1.15 billion people as members. While its engagement rates are arguably much lower than Facebook or Pinterest, you can’t ignore the large percentage of its members who use the platform on a regular basis. We’ve compiled everything you need to get started crafting engaging, effective, and otherwise epic Google+ posts:

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Blog Headlines

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2 million blog posts are written every day. As the web becomes more crowded with content, it’s becoming harder and harder to draw people’s attention to your blog posts.

Don’t know how to keep up?

Create an amazing headline and your chance to win readers’ hearts will grow. Peter Koechley from Upworthy states that headlines can affect web traffic by as much as 500%.

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SEO copywriting for your blog

SEO copywriting refers to the art of writing copy that ranks well in search. It is relatively easy to do (if you have some experience), and it’s an excellent way to gain valuable web traffic without spending thousands of dollars on paid advertising.

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Your company’s best advocates aren’t in your marketing department; they’re your current customers. Customer success stories are among the top five most popular forms of content marketing, and 64% of B2B marketers consider them the single most effective form of custom content. Consumer research is more self-directed than ever before, and case studies are a powerful way to demonstrate real applications of your product or service without a hard sell.

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Did you know that 91% of marketers are using custom content, but only 34% consider themselves effective at it? It’s pretty safe to assume that more than half of us struggle with publishing professional blog posts. Whether you’re failing often, or afraid to fail to begin with, you probably can’t escape the fact that content marketing is quickly becoming the norm. 78% of CMOs think content is the future of marketing ideas and strategy. Mistakes can range from egregious to subtle, and we’ve compiled a list of the most-common errors we see often:

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Ways to Market Your Blog For Free

There are so many bloggers around the web nowadays, and a lot of them write informative, good quality content that people like to read. A present-day blogger has to realize that many other bloggers have reached a certain level of popularity.

That is why, in order to become a successful blog writer, you must care about the popularity of your blog page. There are plenty of ways to promote the posts you create. We’ve got some of the most useful marketing tools right here.

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