Forget Facebook. The hot new topic in social and content marketing is definitely podcasting. The Social Media Examiner’s 2013 Marketing Industry report found that while just 3% of marketers are currently using custom podcasts, 24% plan to figure out how to create a podcast, and implement the practice in the near future:

planned podcasting increase

If you’re hoping to gain an edge above your competition, or position yourself as a thought leader, a podcast could be just the ticket for your content marketing strategy.

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There’s plenty of confusing jargon in the inbound marketing realm – like funnels, the ever-changing lingo of SEO optimization, and agile marketing. That’s one of the reasons we can’t help but love the term “call-to-action,” because it’s quite literal and to-the-point. Call to actions are lines of text, buttons, or images that exist to invite your business blog readers to engage in a certain activity. Whether you’re inviting them to click through and read an earlier blog or download your eBook, these invitations should be enticing, descriptive and anything but subtle.

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With this ultimate list of ideas, you’ll never run out of things to write about. Use our list to get some inspiration, and get writing!

Still wondering why you should be blogging?

So, yes – when done right – blogging is definitely worth spending time on…

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Tips For Great Landing Pages

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Do your landing pages successfully convert visitors into subscribers, buyers, or leads?

If they convert fairly well, implementing a few tips can help you squeeze even more benefits from them. But if they don’t do a good job of guiding visitors into your sales funnel, it’s time for some serious conversion rate optimization.

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When it comes to content marketing, appearances are everything. Taking the time to format your articles into the perfect blog post can be the difference between website visitors who convert into leads, and readers who get bored after just a few words. Adam Thompson points out that “if [your blog] doesn’t look inviting, attractive, and easy-to-read, you’re less likely to earn social shares or natural backlinks.” Failing to format can ruin your best intentions of growing an audience and subscribers, improving your SEO, and generating leads.

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You know there are people who just enter the room and the atmosphere changes. You feel their energy, feel their attitude to life, feel their wisdom and strength. I got a chance to sit down and talk to such a person.

Lights on. Guy Kawasaki.

Venture capitalist, entrepreneur, a former evangelist at Apple and the author of 12 books now.

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Finding the Best Keywords

Search engine optimization is constantly changing, but you still need to include keywords in your content. But how do you find the best keywords?

With the tools and tricks of experienced search engine marketers, of course. Use these secrets to find keywords that help you pull in lots of profitable traffic.

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Content marketing moves incredibly fast. A decade ago, it was still an emerging strategy; today, it’s a cornerstone of modern marketing, used by over 93% of marketers. There’s been a world of changes between then and now, which is why fresh research is crucially important. Whether you’re creating a blog or a presentation to prove to your boss just why original articles are the future, you’re in luck. We’ve curated 75 of the most powerful content marketing stats from the latest, high-quality research reports.

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