Coming up with new ideas can be difficult at times. Here are 15 great ways to come up with inspiration

1. Within Yourself

Personal life events, past mistakes, and future goals can and should be your greatest source of inspiration. Think of a life event that has taken place recently: Is there anything about it that would be greatly beneficial for your followers?

Industry News

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The ancient saying that a picture is worth 1000 words comes as no surprise to content marketers.  Images arouse emotions, set the tone for your writing, help you tell a better story, and aid your readers in “seeing” what you’re trying to convey in words.

It’s certainly possible to buy images. In fact, it’s easy. However, it can get expensive pretty quickly, especially if you’re committed to delivering quality visual content. If your budget is tight, you’ll be thrilled to learn that there are places to find images on the web for free.

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The single most important piece of copy in a blog post.

One of the ultimate determinants of a blog post’s success.

If you don’t get them right, all the hours you spent crafting the post will go to waste, since nobody will read further than the post title.

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Simple Blog Topics

Picture this: You are surrounded by numerous cups of coffee, staring at a blank Word document on the computer screen, where you have been stuck from the get go. Being overwhelmed by the intention to create a stellar piece of content, you cannot narrow it down to just one topic. Or the opposite: You have exhausted every option and are out of things to write about. We have all been there. Writer’s block hits everyone at one point or another.

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Ways to Write Epic Shit

Alright, hands up: how many of you fantasize about writing some epic shit that really leaves an impact online?

Let’s see, that’s… one… two… oh yeah, every damn one of you. 🙂

Truth is you wouldn’t be reading this site if you didn’t want to create something epic that goes on to change lives.

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Business Blog Writing Tips

If writing isn’t your strong suit, then creating blog posts and other content marketing initiatives can be a huge hassle. You know how powerful great content can be — you just don’t feel up to the task of creating it.

The good news is, almost every business blogger feels this way at one point or another, so you’re not alone. Even better, these blog writing tips will help you pump out great articles every time.

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Life is all about choices. Early in the morning, you decide whether to wake up or to reset your alarm and relax for extra five minutes. Later on, you decide what to have for lunch and how to spend time in the evening etc. Of course, some choices can be more consequential than other ones. For instance, the choice of a movie to watch is not so important. Meanwhile, the choice of a custom writing service may have significant effects on your academic performance and even career.

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Build Online Community

Building a community around your website or blog is a pretty big challenge. Not only do you have to get people’s attention, but you also have to make them want to return over and over again, as well as directly interact with what they’re seeing. That being said, while attracting people may be hard work, there are plenty of ways to help encourage reader participation. Here are some tips to help establish your online community and then build on it!

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Every day, 55 million Facebook statuses are updated. The stream of information on the internet is staggeringly fast. Google CEO Eric Schmidt has stated that every two days, the amount of information published online is equivalent to everything created between the dawn of time and 2003 – 5 extrabytes of data. The internet has fundamentally changed the way consumers discover information and connect, and one of the most significant ways is the rising concept of digital influence.

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