32 Blog Post Ideas for Your Next Article
Feeling a little stumped about your next article?
Never fear, for you’ve come to the right place. Even the world’s most creative bloggers find themselves in need of blog post ideas every once in a while. Even worse, it can be easy to find yourself writing what feels like the same thing over and over again.

The average content marketer today uses 12 different tactics to spread their brand’s message. If you’re only using a couple blog post ideas, you risk getting left behind. Make it a point to add at least one of these to your content calendar:
1. Write the Perfect Content
Entrepreneur Jason Calacanis believes that that the perfect content is real-time, fact-driven, visual, efficient, and curated. These blog post ideas work for the most popular sites, like Buzzfeed and Huffington Post!
2. Winning Tweets
Elna Cain recommends asking a question on Twitter, and embedding the most clever answers into your blog. It’s a brilliant way to make some new friends.
3. Research Recommendations
What are your go-to sources for high-quality industry information, statistics and research?
4. Publish a Mind Map
Sometimes, the process can be even more fascinating or helpful than the end result.
5. Linkups
Create a resource list of your website’s articles on a given topic. Better yet, create a comprehensive resource list that links to others.
6. Review Professional Organizations
What are the most popular and well-respected professional organizations your customers or company is a member of?
7. Critique Quora Answers
It’s never good form to criticize rudely, but if you can add on a thought leader’s opinion, the results could be quite positive.
8. Inspirational Quotes
Compile a list of famous quotations. Better yet, enhance them into images with one of our favorite free tools.
9. Advice Column
Answering customer FAQs is effective, but what about asking your audience to share their advice as a new blog post idea?
10. 100 Must-Know Facts
What does a professional really need to know to cut it in your industry, and why?
11. Share a Customer Success Story
What did they learn using your product? Better yet, how did they build their business?
12. Share a Mistake
Did you learn a lesson the hard way? Why not confess? It could make for a scintillating blog post idea.
13. Write a Code of Ethics
Describe your brand’s morality or manifesto.
14. Create a Story
It doesn’t have to be true. In fact, we covered the value of brand fiction here.
15. An eBook Excerpt
Why not promote your brand’s latest long-form content shamelessly? Or better yet, use blogger Nick Schäferhoff’s suggestion, and get permission to publish part of a new release.
16. Predict Trends
Why not share your thoughts about the future of your industry? We promise you, no one will mind if they don’t all come true.
17. Respond to Controversy
Promise you’ll be polite, and it can be an immensely successful tactic for widening your audience.
18. Create a Decision Tree
Better yet, make it into an infographic or visual tool.
19. Share Your Customer’s Favorite Tools
What apps, software, devices, or plug-ins does it take to live a day in the life of your customers? Your prospects would probably love to know.
20. Repurpose, Reimagine, and Improve
Why not see if you can put a modern twist, and possibly a neat new format on your five highest performing blog posts of all time?
21. Blogger Awards
Spread some love and introduce 10, 15, or 50 bloggers whose content you admire.
22. Host a Virtual Event
Embed Tweets in real-time, and collaborate with others to create some of the freshest content ever written.
23. Have a Debate
Why not let two of your brainiest employees argue it out? It’s a tactic that’s worked well for HubSpot.
24. Write a Disappearing Post
It’s certainly one of the edgier blog post ideas, and probably worth a try!
25. Create a Visual-Only Post
Could you tell a story with Instagram photos only?
26. Write a Massive List
How big a list can you create? Challenge yourself!
27. Ask for Secrets
What did your readers quit doing, and why did they decide to do that?
28. Collaborate with a Competitor
The results could surprise you.
29. Commission Original Research
Perform your own survey, and share what you learned.
30. Take a Totally Fresh Angle
Can you conceptualize blog post ideas or a story that no one’s ever shared before?
31. Commission Some Art
Can one of your coworkers tell a story with visuals?
32. Do Something that Scares You
It’s the only way to ever improve!
Did you love this read? Check out another popular Writtent blog, 57 Notable and Unique Content Marketing Ideas.
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