steps to business blog

If you’re seriously thinking about jumping on the content marketing bandwagon, you need a business blog. Your blog is where you’ll point all your social media fans and followers, where you’ll accumulate a treasure trove of information for customers and employees alike, where your expertise and thought leadership will really shine.

In short, your business blog is where you can engage with people and build your brand like never before.

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Inbound is so hot right now. One of the most-discussed topics among marketers right now is the recent release of marketing automation software provider HubSpot’s annual report. Over 3,300 participants from 128 countries worldwide weighed in on how their organizations are adopting current marketing trends, tactics, and practices, and what really drives results. Join us as we reveal the facts, stats and current marketing trends that shocked us in HubSpot’s 2023 State of Inbound Marketing Annual Report:

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Blogging tips and rules

If you’ve been marketing your business online for any amount of time, you know that content marketing can be super powerful.

You probably also know that blogging is one of the best ways to make content marketing work for you.

But if you’ve never blogged before, or don’t know how to start a business blog, blogging and content marketing can be a little intimidating. The problem is,
finding reputable resources to help you get started can be tricky, too.

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I love to read inspirational quotes as these powerful nuggets of wisdom always motivate me to take an action.

They inspire to stay focused on my dearest dreams and help overcome all the challenges I face.

Being a child, I used to write down the most inspiring ideas from books into my notepad and read them from time to time.

Now I start each day by choosing the quote that best resonates with my mood and placing it on my computer’s screen.

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Infographic world

Content marketing isn’t just about blogging. In fact, there’s a lot of compelling evidence that your inbound marketing strategy should include plenty of visual content. One of the hottest types of content at the moment is cool infographics: easy-to-consume, visual representations of data and concepts. Copywriting expert Barry Feldman reports that demand for infographics on the web increases 1% each day! And why not, really – infographics are perfectly viral-ready. They’re easily-packaged, bite-sized bits of information in a gorgeous visual format. If you’re considering joining the ranks of cool infographic creators, consider the following evidence.

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Amazing Freelance Writer

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Freelance writers aren’t very hard to spot, but finding amazing freelancers can be something else entirely. It usually takes a lot of trial and error to find wordsmiths that suit your goals and business, and even then, they may disappoint in some areas. There are ways around this, though, that can save you time and money.

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Every blogger wants to boost traffic on their blog, but not everyone has the right online writing strategies. They can make all the difference.

Contrary to what newcomers to the blogosphere believe, blogging can be tough. It takes time, money, and experience to build a findable business blog that people want to read and follow, not to mention passion and determination. Then, you still need to deal with the competition. Most niches and industries are saturated. New blogs pop up every day. Still, there are ways to attract more online visitors.

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We all know it’s true: headlines are the most important part of our blog posts and articles. David Ogilvy said it himself that “on the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

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Does your content work?

If you’re anything like most copywriters, the answer is “well, sometimes.” Sometimes we watch our posts earn viral social sharing. Other times, we struggle to gain any engagement in the comments or on social media. What makes the world’s best content objectively good?

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While 92% of marketers believe custom content is “very effective” for their business, only 62% outsource their content creation. What’s with the 30% who like content but don’t use freelance copywriters?

There’s a good chance they fall into the category of people who believe one or more of the most common myths about freelance copywriters. Individuals who think that copywriters are unprofessional or don’t have the right business background. Others remember the early days of SEO, and shudder. Regardless of why you’ve avoided using freelance copywriters so far, here are 7 of the most common myths, debunked!

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