words in headlines

Interested in how to write headlines that make articles and/or blog posts go viral? Then your first step as a professional copywriter is to learn what words are the most effective at grabbing your readers attention. Here is a list of proven words that you can use in headlines and titles to gain more interest from your readers and promote sharing on social media.

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If you’ve jumped onto the content marketing bandwagon and kick-started a blog on your business website, you may have discovered that generating customers from your blog isn’t all as easy as you originally might have thought.

Get More Customers from Your Blog

But never fear — just because your blog isn’t attract customers now doesn’t mean that it won’t in the future — all your blog needs is probably just a quick boost. So, here are 15 ways to boost your blog’s customer-generation.

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What’s the easiest thing you can do to improve your blog’s traffic, subscribers, and lead generation overnight?

Rockstar Blog Titles

Write better blog titles. I’m firmly convinced that nothing matters more to how well your blog will perform than really nailing your article headlines. Copyblogger reports that while only 20% of your website visitors will read your entire article, 80% will absorb your headlines. Developing blog titles that are truly attention-grabbing and intriguing can help you convert casual page viewers into readers.

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Writing a blog post

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What can you do in 30 minutes?

You can lose yourself in an episode of your favorite half-hour show on Netflix. You can get distracted by Facebook and fall into a black hole of unproductiveness. What if you could get an entire blog totally ready for publication in this amount of time? It would be pretty world-changing, wouldn’t it?

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Merely having a static site for your business today is just not enough. In fact – without regular updates  – such a website can even hurt your business.

Blogging for business is a HUGE opportunity. In this article, I give you 58 reasons why you as a business owner or marketer should have regular and consistent blog updates.

Okay… here we go!

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Are you pretty clueless when it comes to Google+?

Unfortunately, it’s probably time for a crash course. Recent studies reveal that the social network has pretty much come out of nowhere to register 1.15 billion people as members. While its engagement rates are arguably much lower than Facebook or Pinterest, you can’t ignore the large percentage of its members who use the platform on a regular basis. We’ve compiled everything you need to get started crafting engaging, effective, and otherwise epic Google+ posts:

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Blog Headlines

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2 million blog posts are written every day. As the web becomes more crowded with content, it’s becoming harder and harder to draw people’s attention to your blog posts.

Don’t know how to keep up?

Create an amazing headline and your chance to win readers’ hearts will grow. Peter Koechley from Upworthy states that headlines can affect web traffic by as much as 500%.

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Ways to Market Your Blog For Free

There are so many bloggers around the web nowadays, and a lot of them write informative, good quality content that people like to read. A present-day blogger has to realize that many other bloggers have reached a certain level of popularity.

That is why, in order to become a successful blog writer, you must care about the popularity of your blog page. There are plenty of ways to promote the posts you create. We’ve got some of the most useful marketing tools right here.

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