Content Writing Tips

With so much content already out there, content writing that stands out and convinces readers to read your blog over someone else’s is difficult.

Not only do you need to engage them so that they stay on your blog, but you also need to stop them from simply saving it to read later – which they will probably never end up doing.

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Competitive Marketing Analysis

The small business landscape is arguably tougher than ever before. A recent Constant Contact survey found that 59% of SMB CEOs feel it’s harder to run a business than it was 5 years ago, a factor which can primarily be attributed to quickly-changing technology and marketing best practices. The difficulty of success means that competitive marketing analysis is more crucial than ever. As Expert Stacy Poehler points out, “nothing happens in a vacuum.” Without well-defined points of comparison, and continual analysis, you’ll never know whether your marketing strategy is really working, or allowing you to capture a greater share of your market. However, best practices have changed significantly, and the tactics you learned in business school aren’t necessarily effective today.

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Using Images in Blog Posts
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How much effort do you put into images for your blog posts?

Are they an afterthought, or top priority? Time and time again, user experience and behavioral studies show that visual content really matters. In fact, it matters a ton because it’s what your readers will notice first when they click on your blog posts. Here are some data-driven, scientific ways to boost your visual content game:

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If you’re trying to get more leads and sales from your website and blog, the first thing to consider is your calls-to-action. Strengthening the call-to-action (CTA) on any given page or post often makes a bigger difference toward your number of leads and customers than tweaking the design or any other changes you could make.


So, what is a CTA, exactly?

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Like other forms of content marketing, email marketing can be a very powerful tool for boosting engagement and generating leads. But sending plain text emails from your Gmail account just doesn’t cut it for businesses. To effectively harness the power of email, you need a strong newsletter builder to create campaigns, manage contacts, and analyze results. Here are 7 of the best newsletter builders to help you create email campaigns that get results.


Newsletter Builders - Mailchimp

Mailchimp is one of the most popular email clients for bloggers thanks to its affordability, ease of use, high-quality campaign reports, and fun quirky culture.

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Blog Topic Ideas

When you first start a business blog, coming up with blog topic ideas can be tough. If you’re a one-person-show like a freelancer, consultant, or coach, it’s even tougher. Use this list of business blog post ideas as a springboard to get you started.

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words in headlines

Interested in how to write headlines that make articles and/or blog posts go viral? Then your first step as a professional copywriter is to learn what words are the most effective at grabbing your readers attention. Here is a list of proven words that you can use in headlines and titles to gain more interest from your readers and promote sharing on social media.

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Every marketer’s dream is to create a piece of viral content. Old Spice, Smart Water, and BlendTec are just a few examples of companies with campaigns that have received million of shares, and some serious brand advocates.

While there’s no reliable formula for virality, there are some tried-and-true tactics to increase the appeal of your next campaign.

Inspired by the awesome infographic designed by Voltier Digital (see scrollable image below), we’ve curated 17 fresh ideas
to help you generate more exposure than ever before.

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Growing your readership is desirable, but it’s not enough. Professional copywriters need to convert that audience into an active customer base. How? Through a mix of effective copywriting techniques and powerful conversion copywriting hacks.

Here are 17 proven copywriting strategies that can help drive up sales and give you an edge over your competition.

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